The Jesse Beery 4-Way
Riding, Training and Driving Bit
Made Famous by Jesse Beery and duplicated by Weaver Leather.
Very hard to find but extremely valuable and useful.
The Jesse Beery 4-Way Riding and Training Bit
We have been able to source these and wanted to make them available right away to those who have been looking for them.
Described as one of the most versatile bits made for training, riding and driving. This is a snaffle bit with rings and cheek pieces that can be used to accomplish different results. The bit is 5″ between cheek pieces so it will fit most horses except very large draft horses.
This Beery 4-Way Bit can be used in four different configurations:
The Beery 4-Way Bit
As an Easy Bit
As a Powerful Bit
A Severe bit
A Bit for Side Reiners
This Beery 4-Way Bit is described in the
Jesse Beery 8 Volume Course in Horse Training.
These are brand new and are excellent quality.
SALE: $10.00 Off While Supplies Last
Was $35.00
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